Generative AI Project Lifecycle

Generative AI project lifecycle

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  1. Define the scope
  2. Choose an existing model (or pre-train a model)
    • scaling choices for pre-training
      • goal: maximize model performance
      • constraints: compute budget
      • scaling choice
        • increase dataset size (number of tokens)
        • increase model size (number of parameters)
      • what is found: increasing training dataset size is more important than increasing model size
  3. Prompt engineering: Prompt Engineering
  4. Fine-tuning (supervised learning/supervised fine-tuning): LLM Fine-tuning
  5. Align with human feedback (safety tuning)
  6. Evaluation
  7. Model optimization and deployment: LLM Optimization
  8. Augment model and build LLM-powered applications: LLM-powered Application